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Main causes of cyber-attacks with WordPress

By May 13th, 2024No Comments5 min read

How to know if your WordPress has been attacked by hackers? Many people tend to have the following problems:

My website loads too slowly

My website shows strange codes

When I Google my domain, Chinese characters appear but I have not translated it into that language.

In the vast world of the web, WordPress stands as one of the most prominent pillars. This content management system (CMS) has democratized the creation of websites, allowing millions of people and businesses to build their online presence quickly and affordably. However, this popularity does not come without its own challenges. Cyber-attacks targeting WordPress websites are a constant concern, and understanding the reasons behind this vulnerability is crucial to protecting the integrity and security of these sites.

Popularity as a double-edged sword

The popularity of WordPress is both its greatest strength and its main weakness in terms of cybersecurity, so it is quite understandable, that it is more vulnerable. With millions of websites built on this platform, hackers find WordPress a tempting target. The widespread adoption of WordPress means that a successful exploit could have a significant impact, potentially affecting a large number of websites worldwide.

Plugins and Themes: A World of Opportunities and Risks

One of the distinctive features of WordPress is its ecosystem of plugins and themes. These extensions allow users to extend the functionality and customize the look and feel of their websites quickly and easily. However, this flexibility also introduces significant risks in terms of security. Third-party plugins and themes may contain vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit to compromise a website. The lack of regulation in plugin and theme development means that some may have lower security standards than others, increasing the risk to WordPress users.

The importance of updates

One of the best practices for maintaining the security of a WordPress website is to keep all parts of the system up to date. This includes updating the WordPress core, as well as all installed plugins and themes. Updates usually include security patches that fix known vulnerabilities. However, many website owners neglect this critical aspect of security, leaving their sites open to potential attacks.

Weak passwords: an open door for attackers

Often underestimated, the importance of having strong and unique passwords for WordPress websites cannot be overstated. Weak passwords are one of the most common ways attackers gain unauthorized access to websites. Brute-force attacks, where hackers try thousands of password combinations, can easily compromise a site if the password is too simple or common.

Code injection and SQL attacks

Code injection and SQL attacks are another significant threat to the security of WordPress websites. These attacks exploit vulnerabilities in forms, text fields or other areas of the site that are not adequately protected against malicious data entry. Attackers can insert malicious code into the site, compromising its operation or even gaining privileged access to the site’s database.

Solutions and best practices

Despite these challenges, there are steps WordPress website owners can take to strengthen the security of their sites:

  • Mantener todas las partes del sitio actualizadas regularmente.
  • Utilizar contraseñas seguras y únicas para todas las cuentas asociadas con el sitio.
  • Limitar el número de plugins y temas instalados, optando por aquellos con una sólida reputación en cuanto a seguridad.
  • Implementar medidas de seguridad adicionales, como firewalls de aplicaciones web (WAF) y sistemas de detección de intrusiones (IDS).
  • Realizar copias de seguridad regulares del sitio para poder restaurarlo rápidamente en caso de un ataque.


WordPress websites are an integral part of today’s digital landscape, but their popularity makes them an attractive target for cyber attackers. By understanding the vulnerabilities inherent in WordPress and taking proactive steps to mitigate these risks, website owners can protect the integrity and security of their online sites. With a combination of sound security practices and constant vigilance, it is possible to enjoy the benefits of WordPress without compromising security.

We must tell the truth: the main threat to any website developed in WordPress, is a website left to its own devices, without any regular maintenance or technical support. I have seen how 2 different websites, but created with the same template, the same plugins, behaved very differently due to lack of maintenance. So let’s be a little fair, let’s not hold technology responsible for problems caused by human error.