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Neteja de programari maliciós en un lloc de WordPress mitjançant SiteGuarding

By octubre 13th, 2024No Comments7 min read

Maintaining a secure WordPress site is crucial for any website owner. Unfortunately, malware infections are common and can severely damage your site’s functionality, reputation, and security. If your WordPress site is infected with malware, using SiteGuarding can be an effective way to clean it up. This guide will walk you through the steps to remove malware using SiteGuarding, ensuring your website is safe and secure.

Entendre el programari maliciós als llocs de WordPress

Malware, short for malicious software, is designed to harm or exploit any programmable device, service, or network. In the context of WordPress, malware can take various forms, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, and more. Common symptoms of a malware-infected site include:

    • Redireccions inesperades a altres llocs web.
    • Fitxers o scripts desconeguts.
    • Temps de càrrega lents.
    • Desfiguració del vostre lloc web.
    • Pèrdua d’accés al vostre tauler d’administració de WordPress.
    • Activitat inusual als registres del servidor.

    • Per què triar SiteGuarding?

      SiteGuarding is a reputable service that specializes in website security. They offer a variety of tools and services designed to protect and clean websites from malware. Here’s why you might choose SiteGuarding for your WordPress site:

        • Escaneig complet de programari maliciós: SiteGuarding analitza a fons el vostre lloc web per detectar programari maliciós.
        • Neteja automatitzada: el servei pot eliminar automàticament el programari maliciós detectat.
        • Revisió manual: per a problemes complexos, els seus experts poden revisar i netejar manualment el vostre lloc.
        • Monitorització regular: proporcionen un seguiment continu per prevenir futures infeccions.
        • Interfície fàcil d’utilitzar: la plataforma és fàcil de navegar, la qual cosa la fa accessible fins i tot per a aquells amb habilitats tècniques limitades.

        • Passos per netejar programari maliciós mitjançant SiteGuarding

          1. Sign Up and Login

          First, visit the SiteGuarding website at and create an account. Once registered, log in to access the dashboard.

          2. Add Your Website

          After logging in to your SiteGuarding account, the first step is to add your WordPress site to the SiteGuarding dashboard. This process is straightforward and begins by clicking on the “Add Site” button. You’ll be prompted to enter your website URL, which should be in the format of ‘’.

          Additionally, you’ll need to provide some basic information about your site. This includes the website’s name, a brief description, and the platform it’s built on, which in this case is WordPress. Providing accurate information ensures that SiteGuarding can tailor its scanning and protection services to your specific needs. After entering the required details, click “Submit” to proceed. This step integrates your website with SiteGuarding, allowing it to perform security scans and provide protection.

          3. Initial Malware Scan

          With your website added to the dashboard, the next crucial step is to initiate an initial malware scan. This scan is comprehensive, covering every aspect of your WordPress site. SiteGuarding will scan all files, including core WordPress files, themes, plugins, and media uploads.

          Additionally, the scan extends to your website’s database, checking for any malicious entries or code. To start the scan, navigate to the “Security Scan” section and click on “Start Scan.” Depending on the size and complexity of your website, the scan might take a few minutes to complete. During this time, SiteGuarding’s powerful algorithms will meticulously examine your site, identifying any potential threats or vulnerabilities.

          4. Review Scan Results

          Once the initial malware scan is complete, it’s time to review the results. SiteGuarding will generate a detailed report outlining any detected malware or security issues. The report is comprehensive and user-friendly, providing clear information about the type of malware found, the specific files or database entries affected, and the severity of each threat.

          For each identified issue, SiteGuarding will provide a brief description, helping you understand the nature of the threat. This detailed information is crucial for deciding the next steps, whether it’s proceeding with automated malware removal or opting for manual cleaning by SiteGuarding’s experts. Reviewing the scan results carefully ensures that you address all identified threats effectively, securing your WordPress site from potential harm.

          5. Automated Cleaning

          For most users, the automated cleaning feature will suffice. SiteGuarding will attempt to remove the malware automatically. This process might take some time, depending on the size of your site and the severity of the infection.

          6. Manual Cleaning (if necessary)

          If the automated cleaning doesn’t fully resolve the issue, you might need manual intervention. SiteGuarding offers professional malware removal services. Their experts will manually clean your site, ensuring all traces of malware are removed.

          7. Update WordPress and Plugins

          After cleaning your site, it’s essential to update your WordPress version, themes, and plugins. Outdated software is a common entry point for malware, so keeping everything up to date is crucial.

          8. Change Passwords

          Change all passwords associated with your WordPress site, including your admin, FTP, and database passwords. This step helps to ensure that any compromised credentials are no longer in use.

          9. Enable Security Measures

          Implement additional security measures to protect your site from future infections. SiteGuarding offers several tools and services, such as firewall protection, regular monitoring, and security audits. These tools can help safeguard your site against future threats.

          Prevenció de futures infeccions de programari maliciós

          While cleaning up malware is essential, preventing future infections is equally important. Here are some best practices to keep your WordPress site secure:

            • Còpies de seguretat regulars: feu una còpia de seguretat del vostre lloc periòdicament per assegurar-vos que podeu restaurar-lo ràpidament en cas d’infecció.
            • Contrasenyes fortes: utilitzeu contrasenyes úniques i segures per a tots els vostres comptes.
            • Limita els intents d’inici de sessió: limita el nombre d’intents d’inici de sessió per evitar atacs de força bruta.
            • Autenticació de dos factors: habiliteu l’autenticació de dos factors per obtenir una capa addicional de seguretat.
            • Allotjament segur: trieu un proveïdor d’allotjament de confiança que ofereixi funcions de seguretat sòlides.
            • Actualitzacions periòdiques: mantingueu actualitzats el vostre nucli, temes i complements de WordPress.
            • Connectors de seguretat: utilitzeu connectors de seguretat com Wordfence o Sucuri per afegir una capa addicional de protecció.

            • Conclusió

              Malware infections can be a significant threat to your WordPress site, but with the right tools and practices, you can protect your site and keep it running smoothly. SiteGuarding offers a comprehensive solution for detecting and removing malware from your WordPress site. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can clean up your site and implement preventive measures to safeguard it from future threats.

              Remember, maintaining a secure website is an ongoing process. Continuous monitoring, security updates, and best practices are important to keep your site safe from malware and other security threats. You can keep your WordPress site secure and functional for your visitors by remaining vigilant with the help of SiteGuarding.